19 Верасень 2024
Макрон: патрабаванні Зяленскага аб дадатковай дапамозе з'яўляюцца законнымі для абароны яго краіны і народа
Прэзідэнт Украіны Зяленскі сустрэўся з прэзідэнтам Францыі Макронам
Макрон: Францыя адправіць Украіне ракеты далёкага радыусу дзеяння Скальп.
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Diplomatic source: France has stopped repatriating families of ISIS fighters from Syria, due to lack of voluntary turnout
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Emmanuel Macron and Gerald Darmanin are currently visiting police in northern Paris
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Following riots after the police killed a teenager in France, a total of 3,354 people have been arrested so far
Holocaust memorial in Paris vandalised by rioters1 рок таму
Holocaust memorial in Paris vandalised by rioters
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France arrests more than 1,300 people after fourth night of rioting over teen's killing by police
In Grenoble, the public prosecutor takes stock of a restless night, with 53 police custody this morning
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Кітайская ваенная дэлегацыя абмеркавала ў Вялікабрытаніі і Францыі развіццё абароннага супрацоўніцтва - Мінабароны КНР
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RIOTS: The town hall of Persan, in Val-d'Oise, has just been attacked and burned
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Violent clashes in Collombes: many barricades on fire
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Urban violence: dozens of vehicles on fire in a parking lot in Angers
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Urban violence: incidents in Nanterre, the police targeted by fireworks mortar fire, a completely burnt bus
RIOTS: Savoie and Haute-Savoie are not spared this evening. Violence is reported in Annecy, Annemasse, La Roche-sur-Foron, La Ravoire and Albertville. A building was burned in Chambéry (Le Dauphiné)
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Firefighters from the north of France intervene this evening as reinforcements in the Paris suburbs on the incidents. Here, in Colombes, on several fires from barricades and cars
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RIOTS: La Poste de Lyon Mermoz was attacked with explosives
Urban violence: the Aldi supermarket attacked with a ram car, in Marseille, earlier in the night, was set on fire
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Huge fire in progress in Metz
RIOTS: Looting of an Aldi with ram-vehicle in Marseille. A man was arrested with a shotgun in the city center. RAID is deployed
Acute urban violence in Grenoble this evening, fires and looting of stores
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Nanterre: the bank fire has been brought under control, the situation is calming down
Urban violence: looted stores and barricades erected in Marseille
Прэзідэнт Байдэн размаўляў сёння з прэзідэнтам Францыі Эмануэлем Макронам, канцлерам Германіі Олафам Шольцам і прэм'ер-міністрам Вялікабрытаніі Рышы Сунакам. Лідары абмеркавалі сітуацыю ў Расеі. Яны таксама пацвердзілі сваю непахісную падтрымку Украіны, - сказаў Уайт. Дом.
Strong explosion in Paris damages buildings; 16 injured1 рок таму
Strong explosion in Paris damages buildings; 16 injured
Huge explosion rocks Paris1 рок таму
Huge explosion rocks Paris
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Local city official tweets gas explosion occured in 5th arrondissement. Paris local city official says several buildings ablaze after blast
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French presidential source: We look forward to cooperating with Saudi companies in the field of modern technology and industry
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French presidential source: We will discuss with the Saudi crown prince cooperation between French and Saudi companies
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Police raid Paris 2024 Olympics headquarters: organising committee