5 October 2024
El MFA francès insta els seus ciutadans a abandonar Bielorússia. Al lloc web del MFA es diu que enmig de l'ofensiva armada de Rússia contra Ucraïna i el tancament de l'espai aeri bielorús, no es recomana formalment qualsevol viatge a Bielorússia.
Opposition groups rally in France demanding EU list Iran's Guards as terrorist group
Macron assegura a Zelensky el desig de França "d'acompanyar Ucraïna cap a la victòria"
El president ucraïnès Volodymyr Zelensky és a França. Es reunirà amb @EmmanuelMacron i el canceller alemany @OlafScholz a l'Elysée
During this time, the head of the procession enters the Boulevard du Temple with the bulk of the demonstrators, calmly1 year ago
During this time, the head of the procession enters the Boulevard du Temple with the bulk of the demonstrators, calmly
In Paris, the trade unions are distributed at regular intervals near the Opera: here the cftc on the Boulevard des Italiens. Departure scheduled for 2 p.m. pension reform February 7th demonstration
Agence France-Presse: Belgium plans to extend the service of 3 nuclear reactors
French Foreign Ministry: It is the Assad government that obstructs a political solution in Syria
A university student was stabbed in the university city of Paris and the police detained the suspect
Burkina Faso confirms having requested the withdrawal of French troops
French Foreign Minister: It is time as Europeans to respond to Iran's hostage policy
Macron and Scholz departing the Élysée palace together in one car. Last item on today's agenda is a privat dinner in Macron's favorite brasserie
El canceller alemany Olaf Scholz i el president francès Emmanuel Macron van reafirmar diumenge la importància de l'aliança de postguerra de les seves nacions, malgrat les tensions creades per la invasió d'Ucraïna per part de Rússia.
El president @EmmanuelMacron diu, al costat de @Bundeskanzler, que no exclou la idea que França proporcioni tancs Leclerc a Ucraïna
1 year ago
Declaració dels ministres de Defensa francès i alemany: "Desenvolupar la capacitat dels dos exèrcits per desplegar-se junts, projectar dos batallons francoalemanys de la Brigada franco-alemanya per a exercicis a Romania.
France & Germany "support the deployment of the high-speed train route between Paris and Berlin, as well as a night train service, both for 2024," announced after a meeting in Paris between Emmanuel Macron and Olaf Scholz
"Hem de témer que aquesta guerra duri molt de temps", diu Scholz a París. Però encara no hi ha text clar sobre els lliuraments de Leopard: qualsevol decisió només està estretament coordinada amb socis com els EUA. Macron una mica més clar sobre els tancs francesos: "No s'exclou res
In Toulouse, the procession of the demonstration against the pension reform is already almost assembled and ready to leave
1 year ago
President Zelensky: Va mantenir una llarga i detallada conversa amb el president de França @EmmanuelMacron sobre la situació actual. Agraït per la decisió de transferir tancs lleugers i APC Bastion a Ucraïna, així com per intensificar el treball amb socis en la mateixa direcció.
The defense ministers of Poland and France approved a contract for the supply of two observation satellites with a receiving station in Poland
Chaos in the center of Paris, vehicles overturned and set on fire. Ongoing clashes
Tens of thousands march in Paris now in support of Kurds
A white supremacist killed at least 3 people in a Kurdish cafe in Paris. Kurdish community is protesting, chanting anti-Turkey and anti-Erdogan slogans and asking for better protection from French authorities
Clashes broke out in central Paris after a gunman killed at least three people and wounded others at a Kurdish community center, a cafe and a hair salon in what officials said was a racist attack
A gunman carried out an attack on 'Ahmet Kaya' Kurdish Culture Centre in Paris, killing at least three people. He was captured and disarmed by people in a nearby barber shop later. The attacker used a pistol —perhaps 9x19mm Star Model B or a similar pistol
Two dead after shooting in central Paris
A 60-year-old man opened fire on the street before being arrested, injuring seven people and killing two in the Porte-Saint-Denis neighborhood of Paris's 10th arrondissement
Shots fired in Paris: the new report shows 2 dead and 4 injured in absolute emergency
Lyon: Ongoing violence in Place Bellecour after France lost in the FIFAWorldCup final. Police use tear gas canisters
French Interior Minister: The causes of the fire that broke out in a building near the city of Lyon are unknown, and we will open an investigation into the incident