8 Julio 2024
France one killed, two wounded in a knife attack in Bordeaux. The suspect is under arrest. Motive is still unclear
France foreign minister, Stephane Sejourne, suggests sanctions on Israel to get aid into Gaza: "There must be levers of influence and there are multiple levers, going up to sanctions to let humanitarian aid cross check points"
The French Foreign Minister proposes imposing sanctions on Israel for blocking aid into Gaza
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The Jordanian King and the Egyptian and French Presidents: We warn of serious consequences of the Israeli attack on Rafah
3 mes atrás
Reino Unido y Francia han advertido a EE.UU. que "el mundo está mirando" en lo que respecta a la ayuda a Ucrania
Paris: three dead in a fire in the 11th arrondissement
Vučić in Paris with Macron - talks and numerous topics of great importance for Serbia
El ministro de Defensa francés, Lecornu, mantiene conversaciones telefónicas con el ruso Shoigu
Blinken urges an impartial investigation into the Israeli strike on a World Central Kitchen convoy. "The victims of yesterday's strike join a record number of humanitarian workers who've been killed in this conflict. These people are heroes. They have to be protected."
One day after purported Israeli strike on Iranian consular building in Damascus, Blinken in Paris gives same answer as State Dept on Monday,:"We are working to know the facts. We are working every day to prevent a conflict" expanding in Lebanon or elsewhere
Sec Blinken says the US has a longstanding commitment to Israel’s security & to ensuring its ability to defend itself, as he defends US arms transfers to Israel. Says US relationship with Israeli is not just about Gaza & Hamas & Oct 7th, also about threats posed by Hezbollah & Iran
US Secretary of State: A ceasefire must be reached in Gaza
Secretario de Estado de Estados Unidos: debemos seguir apoyando a Ucrania para enfrentar la agresión rusa
France is calling on the UK & 45 other countries to send 2,000 police officers to Paris this summer to help protect the Olympics from the threat of terror attacks
Agence France-Presse, citing sources: An American-Israeli meeting via video today to discuss the attack on Rafah
French Foreign Minister: The crossings must be opened, aid must enter Gaza, and the hostages must be released without conditions
French Foreign Minister: We are working hard to prevent the outbreak of a comprehensive war between Israel and Hezbollah
El ministro francés de las Fuerzas Armadas, Lecornu, dice que Francia pretende producir 100.000 proyectiles completos de 155 mm este año, 80.000 de los cuales irán a Ucrania y el resto al ejército francés.
French Foreign Minister: We welcome the Security Council's decision on the ceasefire in Gaza and it must be fully implemented
Macron: La rama del ISIS detrás del ataque de Moscú también apuntó a Francia
Macron: Hemos propuesto a Rusia cooperar en la lucha contra el terrorismo
France: Following the attack in Moscow, a Defense and National Security Council was convened this evening at the Elysée by the President of the Republic. Given the claim for the attack by the Islamic State and the threats weighing on our country, we have decided to raise the Vigipirate posture to its highest level: attack emergency
Macron: We will continue to seek an agreement on a ceasefire in Gaza despite the Russian-Chinese veto
Departamento de Estado de Estados Unidos: Estados Unidos sigue comprometido a disuadir y desbaratar los constantes intentos del Kremlin de socavar la democracia. Hoy, @USTreasury está imponiendo sanciones a entidades e individuos conectados con una campaña de desinformación dirigida por el Kremlin en Europa.
French regulator hits Google with 250-million-euro fine
Ejército francés: las declaraciones de Rusia sobre el envío de nuestras fuerzas a Ucrania son irresponsables y engañosas
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El jefe del servicio de inteligencia exterior ruso, Naryshkin, afirma que Francia está preparando 2.000 soldados como primera etapa para desplegarse en Ucrania y afirma que muchos franceses murieron en Ucrania. Dice que las tropas francesas serán el objetivo prioritario de los ataques rusos.
Macron: In Marseille and other cities in France, it is an unprecedented operation that we have launched to put a stop to drug trafficking, ensure republican order, and clear the air
Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores francés: En Rusia no se daban las circunstancias ni las condiciones para unas elecciones libres
3 mes atrás
"A partir de ahora compraremos aún más armas para Ucrania, en todo el mercado mundial" - El Canciller Scholz sobre los resultados de la reunión con el Presidente francés Macron y el Primer Ministro polaco Tusk