16 Septembre 2024
Emmanuel Macron et Volodymyr Zelensky signent un accord bilatéral de sécurité entre la France et l'Ukraine
The IEA sees “comfortable” oil prices this year and demand growth to be in the 1.2-1.3 million bpd range
Le service français de lutte contre la désinformation @Viginum_Gouv a mis au jour un réseau de propagande pro-russe nommé Portal Kombat . Les ministres des Affaires étrangères @steph_sejourne, @ABaerbock et @sikorskiradek ont annoncé aujourd'hui un mécanisme commun pour alerter et riposter
The Weimar Triangle will say "no" to disinformation on Monday in Paris. Poland, Germany and France are to jointly counteract Russian troll farms that are becoming active before the June elections to the European Parliament
Le Président ukrainien Zelensky a eu un entretien téléphonique avec le Président de la République française Macron.7 mois il y a
Le Président ukrainien Zelensky a eu un entretien téléphonique avec le Président de la République française Macron.
7 mois il y a
The Jordanian Foreign Minister and his French counterpart stress their rejection of the displacement of Palestinians
French Foreign Minister: Palestine's international legitimacy will depend on the form of its next state
Several people were injured in a knife attack at Paris's Gare de Lyon railway station, a major travel hub, police say, adding that the suspected attacker had been arrested.The motives behind the attack by the detained man were unclear, police add. The 8:00 am (0700 GMT) attack left one person with serious injuries while two others were lightly wounded
7 mois il y a
2 volontaires, citoyens français, ont été tués à la suite d'un bombardement russe à Beryslav, 3 autres blessés
NBC: Negotiators from Israel, U.S., Egypt and Qatar agree in Paris on a framework for a new deal regarding detainees in Gaza
French Foreign Ministry: We strongly condemn the attack that targeted U.S soldiers on the Syrian-Jordanian border
France suspends its funding to UNRWA
La France accuse la Russie de mener une campagne de désinformation coordonnée en raison de son soutien à l'Ukraine. Selon un communiqué du ministère français des Armées, Moscou intensifie sa campagne à partir du 16 janvier en utilisant les médias d'État comme Spoutnik, RT et RIA Nosvosti.
7 mois il y a
Les agriculteurs en colère franchissent un cap et incendient le bâtiment de la MSA (Mutualité Sociale Agricole) à Narbonne. (témoins)
8 mois il y a
Le ministère russe des Affaires étrangères a convoqué l'ambassadeur de France en Russie après que les forces armées russes ont détruit un hôtel à Kharkiv et affirmé que des militants français s'y trouvaient.
.@steph_sejourne est arrivé à Kyiv pour son premier déplacement sur le terrain, afin d'y poursuivre l'action diplomatique française et de réitérer l'engagement de la France auprès de ses alliés et aux côtés des populations civiles8 mois il y a
.@steph_sejourne est arrivé à Kyiv pour son premier déplacement sur le terrain, afin d'y poursuivre l'action diplomatique française et de réitérer l'engagement de la France auprès de ses alliés et aux côtés des populations civiles
The French Ministry of the Armed Forces: We submitted an order to purchase 42 new Rafale fighter aircraft
French Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna OUT as France changes cabinet, replaced with Stéphane Séjourné
Aliyev: France arms Armenia, 'trains their soldiers and prepares them for another war', 'illusions may emerge' in Armenia to retake Karabakh8 mois il y a
Aliyev: France arms Armenia, 'trains their soldiers and prepares them for another war', 'illusions may emerge' in Armenia to retake Karabakh
8 mois il y a
Aliyev: "We will contribute to exposing French neocolonialism and to the process of freeing French colonies from the French colonial yoke."
Aliyev: France failed 5x to adopt a resolution & then sanctions vs Azerbaijan at UNSC; EU 'countries failed to agree on a common position' on Azerbaijan, France 'insisted on sanctions'8 mois il y a
Aliyev: France failed 5x to adopt a resolution & then sanctions vs Azerbaijan at UNSC; EU 'countries failed to agree on a common position' on Azerbaijan, France 'insisted on sanctions'
AFP: Gabriel Attal appointed Prime Minister of France
US Department of State: .@SecBlinken spoke with French @MinColonna about multilateral efforts to combat the destabilizing attacks in the Red Sea. They also discussed the Israel-Hamas conflict, including the need to avoid regional escalation and ensure humanitarian assistance reaches civilians in Gaza
8 mois il y a
Danish and French shipping companies announce the resumption of the passage of their ships in the Red Sea
8 mois il y a
Two employees of the French Embassy in Baku were declared persona non grata and were asked to leave Azerbaijan within 48 hours, - Foreign Ministry
French Foreign Minister: Paris will impose sanctions on some extremist Israeli settlers
9 mois il y a
Defense Secretary Austin announced a new international task force to protect shipping from Houthi attacks in the Red Sea. The group will be called Operation Prosperity Guardian and includes the UK, Bahrain, Canada, France, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Seychelles and Spain
9 mois il y a
The French Ministry of the Armed Forces: A French frigate intercepted and destroyed a drone targeting the Norwegian tanker Strinda in the Red Sea.
Al Arabiya sources: Israel requires the deployment of the Lebanese army on the border with French forces
Le président Zelensky est arrivé en Argentine et a eu un appel avec le président français Macron