9 ოქტომბერი 2024
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Chinese President: The main priority in Gaza is to ensure the delivery of aid
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Chinese President: The main way out of the current crisis is to implement the two-state solution
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Chinese President: The urgent task is to reach a comprehensive ceasefire in Gaza as quickly as possible
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რუსეთის საგარეო საქმეთა სამინისტრომ საფრანგეთის ელჩი დაიბარა
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French Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Paris reiterates that any forced displacement of the civilian population is a war crime
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French Foreign Ministry: Paris renews its opposition to the Israeli attack on Rafah
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მაკრონი: ჩინეთის პრეზიდენტთან ერთად განვიხილავთ უკრაინასა და ახლო აღმოსავლეთში განვითარებულ მოვლენებს და აუცილებელია ამ საკითხებზე კოორდინაცია
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მაკრონი ჩინეთის პრეზიდენტს: საერთაშორისო ვითარება ევროკავშირსა და პეკინს შორის დიალოგს უფრო მნიშვნელოვანს ხდის, ვიდრე ოდესმე
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Reuters: French police enter the University of Sciences in Paris to evacuate pro-Palestinian activists
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Macron stresses the protection of "strategic interests" in relations with China
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საფრანგეთის პრეზიდენტმა მაკრონმა კიდევ ერთხელ განაცხადა, რომ არ გამორიცხავს უკრაინაში ძალების განლაგებას, თუ რუსეთი ფრონტის ხაზს დაარღვევს
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The atmosphere tenses at the head of the procession with the appearance of dozens of individuals dressed in black, hooded or masked
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French Foreign Minister: Paris and Cairo's message to Tel Aviv is not to carry out an attack in Rafah
Between 15,000 and 30,000 demonstrators are expected in the procession for International Workers' Day which will leave from Place de la République at 2 p.m. to go to Nation4 თვის წინ
Between 15,000 and 30,000 demonstrators are expected in the procession for International Workers' Day which will leave from Place de la République at 2 p.m. to go to Nation
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French Foreign Minister from Riyadh: The situation in Gaza is catastrophic and the fire must be stopped
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French Foreign Minister: The catastrophic situation in Gaza requires reaching a ceasefire agreement
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Macron calls for a joint "European loan" to invest in armaments
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Macron urges European countries to develop a "credible" joint defense strategy
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Macron: We must develop European cybersecurity capacity
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მაკრონი: ევროპამ უნდა აჩვენოს, რომ არ არის შეერთებული შტატების დაქვემდებარებაში
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French President: There is a danger that Europe will die
Macron recalled to Kurti 'France's unwavering support for the independence and European integration of Kosovo'. He underlined 'the importance that France attaches, in context of application to @coe to rapid and irreversible progress in creating Assoc of Serbian Municipalities'4 თვის წინ
Macron recalled to Kurti 'France's unwavering support for the independence and European integration of Kosovo'. He underlined 'the importance that France attaches, in context of application to @coe to rapid and irreversible progress in creating Assoc of Serbian Municipalities'
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A boat with more than 100 migrants has sunk in the English Channel
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French media: 5 migrants died while trying to cross the English Channel
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French Presidency: Paris is constantly working to stop the escalation between Israel and Lebanon
Lebanon’s caretaker Prime Minister @Najib_Mikati, French President @EmmanuelMacron discuss Lebanon crisis as Army chief presents military needs in Paris talks4 თვის წინ
Lebanon’s caretaker Prime Minister @Najib_Mikati, French President @EmmanuelMacron discuss Lebanon crisis as Army chief presents military needs in Paris talks
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French prosecutors say the attacker of the Iranian consulate acted alone
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French police are in an operation aimed at securing the vicinity of the Iranian consulate in Paris
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France on Tuesday said it had recalled for consultations the French ambassador to Azerbaijan, accusing Baku of taking actions that have damaged the bilateral relationship.President Emmanuel Macron received ambassador Anne Boillon in Paris to discuss the issue, the foreign ministry said in a statement, accusing Azerbaijan of continuing "in recent months unilateral actions damaging to the relationship between our two countries." via AFP
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Macron: What is happening in Sudan is a humanitarian tragedy, and we must mobilize internationally to help the Sudanese