5 July 2024
Nantes: New tear gas fire on the course of the 50 protester. There are about 150 demonstrators left
Other images of fires and barricades in Paris, and according to journalist @RemyBuisine, many demonstrators were 300m from the Elysée. PensionReform
Place de la mairie: firework mortars rain down while the police charge.Rennes1 year ago
Place de la mairie: firework mortars rain down while the police charge.Rennes
Police use tear gas canisters to disperse protesters at Place Concorde in Paris (AA correspondent)
Pension reform: the government passes in force and activates the 49
"I engage the responsibility of my government": Elisabeth Borne officially triggers the 49
Aiuti militari all'Ucraina: i carri armati "leggeri" AMX 10-RC promessi a inizio gennaio dalla Francia "sono appena arrivati in Ucraina", annuncia @SebLecornu davanti alla commissione @AN_Defense, senza specificarne il numero
Today, most French cities witnessed demonstrations, and they were not limited to Paris
France is discussing whether the time has come to impose sanctions on "those who obstruct efforts to break the constitutional impasse" in Lebanon
Emmanuel Macron receives Victor Orban at the Élysée to discuss "unity" against Moscow
The procession goes up the rue de la République in Rouen
This morning in Marseille, 80 people demonstrated against the Legré-Mante project, between the old Chapel and Place Engalière (8th)
1 year ago
A man taken into police custody in Béthune for aggravated murder, suspected of having killed with a knife his ex-companion who had recently filed a complaint for death threats
"We want to work together and build concrete solutions for our future. I want to salute the new direction that has been taken": @EmmanuelMacron to @RishiSunak
"I am very happy Mr. Prime Minister to meet you at the Elysée. 5 years have passed since the last meeting. This summit is exceptional, it is a moment of reunion, reconnection, and new departure": @EmmanuelMacron to @RishiSunak
In Marseille, a blockage is underway at the Prado-Carénage tunnel. It still does not pass
French Senate voted in favor of Article 7 raising the retirement age from 62 to 64
The charges of the CRS multiply to try to disperse the wild procession in the 13th arrondissement
The outside cgt/south procession arrives at Place d'Italie and joins the other. A demonstration that had to take 2 or even 3 different boulevards. And they were all crowded
Strike of March 7: more than 100,000 demonstrators in Lille according to the CGT
Big movement on the avenue des Gobelins. The forces of order charge, out of control, and find themselves surrounded
Ministro della Difesa francese: la nostra priorità è inviare missili in Ucraina, ma il discorso sull'invio di aerei da combattimento è già iniziato
La risoluzione per una pace giusta e duratura in Ucraina basata sui principi delle Nazioni Unite è adottata a larghissima maggioranza dall'Assemblea generale delle Nazioni Unite UNGA
Smoke at La Défense district in Paris
1 year ago
Martinique violence: A man killed by firearm, another in cardiac arrest and two wounded by bullets in 24 hours
1 year ago
Ministro della Difesa francese: consegneremo i veicoli da combattimento leggeri AMX-10 all'Ucraina entro la fine della prossima settimana
L'AMF francese esorta i suoi cittadini a lasciare la Bielorussia. Sul sito web del MFA si dice che tra l'offensiva armata della Russia contro l'Ucraina e la chiusura dello spazio aereo bielorusso, qualsiasi viaggio in Bielorussia è formalmente sconsigliato
Opposition groups rally in France demanding EU list Iran's Guards as terrorist group
Macron rassicura Zelensky sulla volontà della Francia di "accompagnare l'Ucraina verso la vittoria"
Il presidente ucraino Volodymyr Zelensky è in Francia. Incontrerà @EmmanuelMacron e il cancelliere tedesco @OlafScholz all'Eliseo