9 Rugsėjis 2024
4 mėnesį prieš
Reuters: French police enter the University of Sciences in Paris to evacuate pro-Palestinian activists
4 mėnesį prieš
Macron stresses the protection of "strategic interests" in relations with China
4 mėnesį prieš
Prancūzijos prezidentas Macronas dar kartą pareiškė, kad neatmeta galimybės dislokuoti pajėgas Ukrainoje, jei Rusija palaužtų fronto linijas
4 mėnesį prieš
The atmosphere tenses at the head of the procession with the appearance of dozens of individuals dressed in black, hooded or masked
4 mėnesį prieš
French Foreign Minister: Paris and Cairo's message to Tel Aviv is not to carry out an attack in Rafah
Between 15,000 and 30,000 demonstrators are expected in the procession for International Workers' Day which will leave from Place de la République at 2 p.m. to go to Nation4 mėnesį prieš
Between 15,000 and 30,000 demonstrators are expected in the procession for International Workers' Day which will leave from Place de la République at 2 p.m. to go to Nation
4 mėnesį prieš
French Foreign Minister from Riyadh: The situation in Gaza is catastrophic and the fire must be stopped
French Foreign Minister: The catastrophic situation in Gaza requires reaching a ceasefire agreement
4 mėnesį prieš
Macron calls for a joint "European loan" to invest in armaments
4 mėnesį prieš
Macron urges European countries to develop a "credible" joint defense strategy
4 mėnesį prieš
Macron: We must develop European cybersecurity capacity
4 mėnesį prieš
Macronas: Europa turi parodyti, kad ji nėra pavaldi JAV
4 mėnesį prieš
French President: There is a danger that Europe will die
Macron recalled to Kurti 'France's unwavering support for the independence and European integration of Kosovo'. He underlined 'the importance that France attaches, in context of application to @coe to rapid and irreversible progress in creating Assoc of Serbian Municipalities'4 mėnesį prieš
Macron recalled to Kurti 'France's unwavering support for the independence and European integration of Kosovo'. He underlined 'the importance that France attaches, in context of application to @coe to rapid and irreversible progress in creating Assoc of Serbian Municipalities'
4 mėnesį prieš
A boat with more than 100 migrants has sunk in the English Channel
4 mėnesį prieš
French media: 5 migrants died while trying to cross the English Channel
4 mėnesį prieš
French Presidency: Paris is constantly working to stop the escalation between Israel and Lebanon
Lebanon’s caretaker Prime Minister @Najib_Mikati, French President @EmmanuelMacron discuss Lebanon crisis as Army chief presents military needs in Paris talks4 mėnesį prieš
Lebanon’s caretaker Prime Minister @Najib_Mikati, French President @EmmanuelMacron discuss Lebanon crisis as Army chief presents military needs in Paris talks
4 mėnesį prieš
French prosecutors say the attacker of the Iranian consulate acted alone
4 mėnesį prieš
French police are in an operation aimed at securing the vicinity of the Iranian consulate in Paris
4 mėnesį prieš
France on Tuesday said it had recalled for consultations the French ambassador to Azerbaijan, accusing Baku of taking actions that have damaged the bilateral relationship.President Emmanuel Macron received ambassador Anne Boillon in Paris to discuss the issue, the foreign ministry said in a statement, accusing Azerbaijan of continuing "in recent months unilateral actions damaging to the relationship between our two countries." via AFP
4 mėnesį prieš
Macron: What is happening in Sudan is a humanitarian tragedy, and we must mobilize internationally to help the Sudanese
Marseille: A 25-year-old supply worker arrested, 22 kg of cannabis, 3.4 kg of cocaine and a handgun seized. "The traffickers considered that the fact that it was of European type reduced the risks of being detected by the police"
4 mėnesį prieš
French Foreign Minister: We condemn in the strongest terms the Iranian attack on Israel
4 mėnesį prieš
The French government has passed messages to Iran warning the government not to escalate. In the meantime, French citizens are advised to refrain from traveling to Iran, Lebanon, Israel and the Palestinian territories in and diplomats's families being pulled out of Tehran
Prancūzija ragina savo piliečius vengti kelionių į Izraelį, Iraną ir Libaną
5 mėnesį prieš
French President: We warned Iran against attacking Israel
France one killed, two wounded in a knife attack in Bordeaux. The suspect is under arrest. Motive is still unclear
5 mėnesį prieš
France foreign minister, Stephane Sejourne, suggests sanctions on Israel to get aid into Gaza: "There must be levers of influence and there are multiple levers, going up to sanctions to let humanitarian aid cross check points"
5 mėnesį prieš
The French Foreign Minister proposes imposing sanctions on Israel for blocking aid into Gaza