5 Oktober 2024
De Franse president Macron zegt dat Poetin de NAVO wakker schudde door Oekraïne binnen te vallen
Aubervilliers: large black smoke following a giant fire1 jaar geleden
Aubervilliers: large black smoke following a giant fire
1 jaar geleden
France condemns Iran's test of a long-range ballistic missile, describing it as a "violation of Security Council resolutions"
France seeks to arrest Lebanon central bank governor Riad Salameh: source, via Bloomberg's terminal. Salameh says in a statement that he will challenge the french arrest warrant1 jaar geleden
France seeks to arrest Lebanon central bank governor Riad Salameh: source, via Bloomberg's terminal. Salameh says in a statement that he will challenge the french arrest warrant
1 jaar geleden
President van Oekraïne Zelensky is aangekomen in Parijs
1 jaar geleden
Frankrijk opent een onderzoek naar oorlogsmisdaden naar de dood van een AFP-verslaggever: aanklagers
President van Oekraïne Zelensky had een telefoontje met president van Frankrijk Macron1 jaar geleden
President van Oekraïne Zelensky had een telefoontje met president van Frankrijk Macron
1 jaar geleden
UK says it's "fully aware of plans of international partners to evacuate diplomats from Sudan is integrated with those operations.France has confirmed it is evacuating staff from Sudan in conjunction with European and allied partners who are also evacuating staff
President Zelensky had een telefoontje met president Macron1 jaar geleden
President Zelensky had een telefoontje met president Macron
1 jaar geleden
The French Ministry of Interior expects about 600,000 people to demonstrate in today's protests
1 jaar geleden
Violent clashes between French police and protesters in Paris
1 jaar geleden
Franse diplomatieke bron: Macron drong er bij Xi op aan geen wapens aan Rusland te leveren, Xi zei dat het niet zijn oorlog was
Pensions: 4,200 police and gendarmes planned to secure the Parisian procession1 jaar geleden
Pensions: 4,200 police and gendarmes planned to secure the Parisian procession
Place Sainte Anne is drowned in tear gas launched by the police to disperse the demonstrators. People are checked as they leave the square1 jaar geleden
Place Sainte Anne is drowned in tear gas launched by the police to disperse the demonstrators. People are checked as they leave the square
Demonstration against pension reform: the procession sets off in Paris1 jaar geleden
Demonstration against pension reform: the procession sets off in Paris
1 jaar geleden
Xi juicht banden met Frankrijk toe terwijl de wereld 'ingrijpende' veranderingen ondergaat: staatsmedia
1 jaar geleden
De Franse Emmanuel Macron ontmoet Xi Jinping in Peking
Ongoing blocking of the Lycée Thiers in Marseille as part of the April 6 strike and sale of pancakes and cakes in support of the strike fund
Fires lit on the m7 this morning by demonstrators against pension reform, major traffic jams in Lyon
1 jaar geleden
Macron to the French community in Beijing: We seek balanced economic relations with China
1 jaar geleden
Macron: dialoog met China is noodzakelijk en Rusland kan niet alleen gelaten worden om met Peking te praten
1 jaar geleden
Israeli FM @elicoh1: Spoke with French FM to coordinate measures to contain Iran’s nuclear program. Israel and France see eye to eye on danger of nuclear Iran. Only determined & coordinated action by West will lead to sanction that tighten the ring around neck of rule of terror in Tehran.
President Zelensky had een telefoontje met president Macron1 jaar geleden
President Zelensky had een telefoontje met president Macron
Police charge forward, surrounding the area around two fires1 jaar geleden
Police charge forward, surrounding the area around two fires
1 jaar geleden
Paris: strong tensions in the procession
Clashes between French police and protesters in Nantes
1 jaar geleden
Demonstration of March 28 in Paris: 18 arrests on the sidelines of the demonstration
Fire at Queneau high school in Villeneuve-d'Ascq: a 15-year-old high school student arrested and placed in police custody1 jaar geleden
Fire at Queneau high school in Villeneuve-d'Ascq: a 15-year-old high school student arrested and placed in police custody
1 jaar geleden
Frankrijk zal maandelijks 2.000 granaten van 155 mm leveren aan Oekraïne
Dockers and port workers at the head of the 28Mars Demonstration in Le Havre The procession heads towards the fishing port1 jaar geleden
Dockers and port workers at the head of the 28Mars Demonstration in Le Havre The procession heads towards the fishing port