6 Październik 2024
Holocaust memorial in Paris vandalised by rioters
France arrests more than 1,300 people after fourth night of rioting over teen's killing by police
In Grenoble, the public prosecutor takes stock of a restless night, with 53 police custody this morning
1 rok temu
Chińska delegacja wojskowa rozmawiała w Wielkiej Brytanii i Francji o rozwoju współpracy obronnej – chińskie ministerstwo obrony
1 rok temu
RIOTS: The town hall of Persan, in Val-d'Oise, has just been attacked and burned
Violent clashes in Collombes: many barricades on fire
1 rok temu
Urban violence: dozens of vehicles on fire in a parking lot in Angers
Urban violence: incidents in Nanterre, the police targeted by fireworks mortar fire, a completely burnt bus
RIOTS: Savoie and Haute-Savoie are not spared this evening. Violence is reported in Annecy, Annemasse, La Roche-sur-Foron, La Ravoire and Albertville. A building was burned in Chambéry (Le Dauphiné)
Firefighters from the north of France intervene this evening as reinforcements in the Paris suburbs on the incidents. Here, in Colombes, on several fires from barricades and cars
1 rok temu
RIOTS: La Poste de Lyon Mermoz was attacked with explosives
Urban violence: the Aldi supermarket attacked with a ram car, in Marseille, earlier in the night, was set on fire
1 rok temu
Huge fire in progress in Metz
RIOTS: Looting of an Aldi with ram-vehicle in Marseille. A man was arrested with a shotgun in the city center. RAID is deployed
Acute urban violence in Grenoble this evening, fires and looting of stores
Nanterre: the bank fire has been brought under control, the situation is calming down
Urban violence: looted stores and barricades erected in Marseille
Prezydent Biden "rozmawiał dziś z prezydentem Francji Emmanuelem Macronem, kanclerzem Niemiec Olafem Scholzem i premierem Wielkiej Brytanii Riszim Sunakiem. Przywódcy omówili sytuację w Rosji. Potwierdzili także swoje niezachwiane poparcie dla Ukrainy" - podała Biała. Dom.
Strong explosion in Paris damages buildings; 16 injured
Huge explosion rocks Paris
Local city official tweets gas explosion occured in 5th arrondissement. Paris local city official says several buildings ablaze after blast
French presidential source: We look forward to cooperating with Saudi companies in the field of modern technology and industry
French presidential source: We will discuss with the Saudi crown prince cooperation between French and Saudi companies
Police raid Paris 2024 Olympics headquarters: organising committee
1 rok temu
Earthquake of magnitude 4.9 - 3 km N of Saint-Georges-du-Bois, France
W poniedziałek prezydent Francji Macron, kanclerz Niemiec Scholz i prezydent Polski Duda spotykają się w Paryżu na „dyskusji na temat gwarancji bezpieczeństwa, jakie można dać Ukrainie na dłuższą metę, aby zagwarantować jej suwerenność i integralność terytorialną".
1 rok temu
Knife attack in Annecy: 7 injured including 6 young children (source close to the file at AFP)
1 rok temu
Eight people were stabbed in a playground in Annecy, France, local authorities said. A suspect has been arrested
Francuski prezydent Macron mówi, że Putin „obudził" NATO, najeżdżając Ukrainę
Aubervilliers: large black smoke following a giant fire