19 Септембар 2024
In Toulouse, the procession of the demonstration against the pension reform is already almost assembled and ready to leave1 године Пре
In Toulouse, the procession of the demonstration against the pension reform is already almost assembled and ready to leave
1 године Пре
Председник Зеленски: Имао је дуг и детаљан разговор са председником Француске @Емануелом Макроном о тренутној ситуацији. Хвала на одлуци да се лаки тенкови и оклопни транспортери Бастион пребаце у Украјину, као и на интензивирању рада са партнерима у истом правцу
1 године Пре
The defense ministers of Poland and France approved a contract for the supply of two observation satellites with a receiving station in Poland
Chaos in the center of Paris, vehicles overturned and set on fire. Ongoing clashes1 године Пре
Chaos in the center of Paris, vehicles overturned and set on fire. Ongoing clashes
Tens of thousands march in Paris now in support of Kurds1 године Пре
Tens of thousands march in Paris now in support of Kurds
A white supremacist killed at least 3 people in a Kurdish cafe in Paris. Kurdish community is protesting, chanting anti-Turkey and anti-Erdogan slogans and asking for better protection from French authorities1 године Пре
A white supremacist killed at least 3 people in a Kurdish cafe in Paris. Kurdish community is protesting, chanting anti-Turkey and anti-Erdogan slogans and asking for better protection from French authorities
Clashes broke out in central Paris after a gunman killed at least three people and wounded others at a Kurdish community center, a cafe and a hair salon in what officials said was a racist attack1 године Пре
Clashes broke out in central Paris after a gunman killed at least three people and wounded others at a Kurdish community center, a cafe and a hair salon in what officials said was a racist attack
A gunman carried out an attack on 'Ahmet Kaya' Kurdish Culture Centre in Paris, killing at least three people. He was captured and disarmed by people in a nearby barber shop later.  The attacker used a pistol —perhaps 9x19mm Star Model B or a similar pistol1 године Пре
A gunman carried out an attack on 'Ahmet Kaya' Kurdish Culture Centre in Paris, killing at least three people. He was captured and disarmed by people in a nearby barber shop later. The attacker used a pistol —perhaps 9x19mm Star Model B or a similar pistol
1 године Пре
Two dead after shooting in central Paris
A 60-year-old man opened fire on the street before being arrested, injuring seven people and killing two in the Porte-Saint-Denis neighborhood of Paris's 10th arrondissement1 године Пре
A 60-year-old man opened fire on the street before being arrested, injuring seven people and killing two in the Porte-Saint-Denis neighborhood of Paris's 10th arrondissement
Shots fired in Paris: the new report shows 2 dead and 4 injured in absolute emergency1 године Пре
Shots fired in Paris: the new report shows 2 dead and 4 injured in absolute emergency
Lyon: Ongoing violence in Place Bellecour after France lost in the FIFAWorldCup final. Police use tear gas canisters1 године Пре
Lyon: Ongoing violence in Place Bellecour after France lost in the FIFAWorldCup final. Police use tear gas canisters
1 године Пре
French Interior Minister: The causes of the fire that broke out in a building near the city of Lyon are unknown, and we will open an investigation into the incident
At least 10 people killed and 14 injured, including four in critical condition, after fire at apartment building in Vaulx-en-Velin, France, overnight1 године Пре
At least 10 people killed and 14 injured, including four in critical condition, after fire at apartment building in Vaulx-en-Velin, France, overnight
1 године Пре
France for tomorrow's match France - Morocco mobilizes 10,000 police and gendarmes, 5,000 of them in the Paris region
1 године Пре
Рат у Украјини: Емануел Макрон разговарао са Владимиром Зеленским
Supporters in the streets of Calais-Nord to celebrate Les Bleus soccer1 године Пре
Supporters in the streets of Calais-Nord to celebrate Les Bleus soccer
1 године Пре
1 dead, several missing after explosion, fire on Jersey
1 године Пре
Макрон: Говорити о неслагањима око руских безбедносних гаранција је преурањено и неосновано
1 године Пре
Two students from the Saint-Maixent-l'École military school killed in a road accident. A third student was seriously injured and evacuated to hospital with a vital prognosis
Француски председник: Рат се враћа на европске земље због руске агресије на Украјину
Бајден: Вашингтон и Париз се суочавају са руском претњом Европи
Бајден: Одлучни смо, са Француском, да се суочимо са руским ратом у Украјини
Председник САД: Француска и САД се заједно суочавају са последицама Путиновог рата на Украјину
United Kingdom: a man arrested in the case of the sinking of 27 dead migrants in the English Channel1 године Пре
United Kingdom: a man arrested in the case of the sinking of 27 dead migrants in the English Channel
Macron: Dear Maia, the courageous and ambitious efforts you are making in Moldova are for your country, but also for Europe. You can count on the support of France1 године Пре
Macron: Dear Maia, the courageous and ambitious efforts you are making in Moldova are for your country, but also for Europe. You can count on the support of France
1 године Пре
Председник Зеленски: Имао је позив са @Еммануел Мацрон. Информисан о ситуацији на ратишту иу украјинским нуклеарним електранама. Нагласио је потребу демилитаризације ЗНПП. Разговарали смо и о сарадњи на обезбеђивању енергетске стабилности Украјине, посебно о заштити система од ваздушних напада
1 године Пре
Macron accuses Russia of feeding anti-French propaganda in Africa to serve its ambitions
1 године Пре
Јелисеј: Макрон је контактирао Пољску и покренуће питање руских ракета у среду пре самита Г20
Al-Arabiya monitors the situation in the military port of Toulon after the arrival of the migrant ship to France