5 十一 2024
埃马纽埃尔·马克龙今天在布拉格:谁发动了乌克兰战争? - 普京。谁用核武器威胁我们,无论我们做什么,说什么? - 普京总统。如果我们每天都在某人面前解释我们的极限是什么谁没有发动这场战争,我已经可以告诉你,失败的精神潜伏在那里。不在我们中间。7 月 前
埃马纽埃尔·马克龙今天在布拉格:"谁发动了乌克兰战争? - 普京。谁用核武器威胁我们,无论我们做什么,说什么? - 普京总统。如果我们每天都在某人面前解释我们的极限是什么谁没有发动这场战争,我已经可以告诉你,失败的精神潜伏在那里。不在我们中间。"
French Foreign Minister: The Israeli authorities are "responsible" for preventing humanitarian aid from reaching the Gaza Strip
7 月 前
Azerbaijan has no plans to attack Armenia, these are Macron's insinuations - Azerbaijani President Aliyev
今晚@EmmanuelMacron:法国不排除向乌克兰派遣军队。 "我非常明确地告诉你:在这一点上,法国将维持其立场——这是一种战略模糊性,我完全支持它"
7 月 前
A French Navy frigate under tactical command of EU military operation EUNAVFOR ASPIDES conducts support for commercial vessels in Red Sea and Gulf of Aden
First photos of French Bastions in Armed Forces of Armenia
End of the Rural Coordination farmers' demonstration in Paris. The farmers will spend the afternoon at the foot of Les Invalides before setting up at the SalonDeLAgriculture tomorrow
7 月 前
法国国防部长 @SebLecornu 上个月表示,"俄罗斯运营商威胁要击落在黑海国际空域巡逻的法国有人驾驶飞机"
The IEA sees “comfortable” oil prices this year and demand growth to be in the 1.2-1.3 million bpd range
法国反虚假信息服务@Viginum_Gouv 发现了一个名为"Portal Kombat"的亲俄宣传网络。外交部长@steph_sejourne、@ABaerbock 和@sikorskiradek 今天宣布建立一个共同机制来提高警惕和反击
The Weimar Triangle will say "no" to disinformation on Monday in Paris. Poland, Germany and France are to jointly counteract Russian troll farms that are becoming active before the June elections to the European Parliament
8 月 前
The Jordanian Foreign Minister and his French counterpart stress their rejection of the displacement of Palestinians
French Foreign Minister: Palestine's international legitimacy will depend on the form of its next state
Several people were injured in a knife attack at Paris's Gare de Lyon railway station, a major travel hub, police say, adding that the suspected attacker had been arrested.The motives behind the attack by the detained man were unclear, police add. The 8:00 am (0700 GMT) attack left one person with serious injuries while two others were lightly wounded
8 月 前
俄罗斯在别里斯拉夫的炮击造成 2 名法国公民志愿者死亡,另有 3 人受伤
NBC: Negotiators from Israel, U.S., Egypt and Qatar agree in Paris on a framework for a new deal regarding detainees in Gaza
French Foreign Ministry: We strongly condemn the attack that targeted U.S soldiers on the Syrian-Jordanian border
France suspends its funding to UNRWA
法国指责俄罗斯因支持乌克兰而开展协调一致的虚假信息活动。根据法国武装部队的声明,莫斯科从 1 月 16 日起利用卫星通讯社、俄罗斯卫星通讯社和俄新社等官方媒体加大力度开展宣传活动
8 月 前
Angry farmers take a step forward and burn down the building of the MSA (Mutualité Sociale Agricole) in Narbonne. (witnesses)