5 十一 2024
Leader of the far right in France: We must get France out of the impasse
The head of France's conservative party on Tuesday called for an alliance with the far right in upcoming snap elections, a historic break with the party's longstanding line
Three Renaissance deputies out of 169 do not want to run again
French Finance Minister: The upcoming elections will have dangerous consequences for the Fifth Republic
Marine Le Pen: "We are ready to assume power"
Emmanuel Macron announces the dissolution of the National Assembly
Emmanuel Macron dissolves the National Assembly, legislative elections on June 30 and July 7
俄罗斯人的行为决定了界限,埃马纽埃尔·马克龙回答关于乌克兰人在俄罗斯领土上使用法国武器的问题4 月 前
4 月 前
French national arrested in Moscow: "This is one of our compatriots who works for a Swiss NGO", explains @EmmanuelMacron "we remain vigilant"
埃马纽埃尔·马克龙:从第一天起,俄罗斯就威胁我们。我们组织起来应对一切风险4 月 前
向乌克兰派遣法国教官:这本身并不是升级局势的因素——埃马纽埃尔·马克龙4 月 前
Emmanuel Macron confirms the arrest of a Frenchman suspected of espionage by Moscow4 月 前
Emmanuel Macron confirms the arrest of a Frenchman suspected of espionage by Moscow
4 月 前
Statement by the leaders of Germany, Britain, the United States and France: We renew full support for Biden's proposal for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza
4 月 前
"我们提议训练 4,500 名乌克兰士兵"@EmmanuelMacron 在谈到与乌克兰"新合作"的轮廓时解释道
埃马纽埃尔·马克龙宣布从今年夏天开始向乌克兰交付多架幻影 2000-5 战斗机,并在法国开展乌克兰飞行员培训计划4 月 前
埃马纽埃尔·马克龙宣布从今年夏天开始向乌克兰交付多架幻影 2000-5 战斗机,并在法国开展"乌克兰飞行员培训计划"
4 月 前
法国将在对乌克兰的援助方面迈出新一步。埃马纽埃尔·马克龙宣布:"我们将向乌克兰提供新的援助,并宣布向乌克兰出售幻影 2000 战机。"
瑞士人道主义对话中心称其顾问 Laurent Vinatier 是今天在莫斯科被捕的法国公民
4 月 前
法国请求联合国安理会于 6 月 7 日就乌克兰问题举行会议
一名来自俄语顿巴斯地区的 26 岁乌克兰人因在鲁瓦西昂法兰西的一家酒店自制炸弹而脸部严重受伤,随后被捕。该案由 DGSI 负责调查。
Joint French, German, British statement: We welcome the International Atomic Energy Agency's decision regarding Iran
French security authorities foil a plan to attack soccer events during the Paris Olympics
France has banned Israeli defense companies from participating in Eurosatory, one of the world's largest arms shows, over Israel's ongoing war in Gaza.— Politico
Macron calls for an end to the systematic postponement of the two-state solution and the establishment of a Palestinian state
The police use tear gas grenades against pro-Palestinian demonstrators present on Place Saint-Augustin in Paris. (via @CLPRESSFR)