9 Îlon 2024
Xi têkiliyên Fransa silav dike ji ber ku cîhan di bin guherînên 'kûr' de derbas dibe: medyaya dewletê
Emmanuel Macron ê Fransayê li Pekînê bi Xi Jinping re hevdîtin kir
Ongoing blocking of the Lycée Thiers in Marseille as part of the April 6 strike and sale of pancakes and cakes in support of the strike fund
Fires lit on the m7 this morning by demonstrators against pension reform, major traffic jams in Lyon
Macron to the French community in Beijing: We seek balanced economic relations with China
Macron: Diyaloga bi Çînê re pêwîst e û Rûsya nikare bi Pekînê re biaxive
Israeli FM @elicoh1: Spoke with French FM to coordinate measures to contain Iran’s nuclear program. Israel and France see eye to eye on danger of nuclear Iran. Only determined & coordinated action by West will lead to sanction that tighten the ring around neck of rule of terror in Tehran.
Serok Zelensky bi telefonê bi Serok Macron re peywendiyek kir1 year ago
Serok Zelensky bi telefonê bi Serok Macron re peywendiyek kir
Police charge forward, surrounding the area around two fires
Paris: strong tensions in the procession
Clashes between French police and protesters in Nantes
Demonstration of March 28 in Paris: 18 arrests on the sidelines of the demonstration
Fire at Queneau high school in Villeneuve-d'Ascq: a 15-year-old high school student arrested and placed in police custody
Fransa dê her mehê 2000 guleyên 155 mm radestî Ukraynayê bike
Dockers and port workers at the head of the 28Mars Demonstration in Le Havre The procession heads towards the fishing port
Police pushed against the strike supporters before retreating this morning here in Ivry #ReformeDesRetraites
2 Rafalesên Fransî yên ku li Lîtvanyayê wekî beşek ji mîsyona polîsên hewayî ya eAP @NATO hatine bicîh kirin du roj li pey hev di hişyariyê de rabûn da ku balafirên ku li nêzî qada hewayî ya Baltîkê kar dikin nas bikin û bi wan re bişopînin.1 year ago
2 Rafalesên Fransî yên ku li Lîtvanyayê wekî beşek ji mîsyona polîsên hewayî ya eAP @NATO hatine bicîh kirin du roj li pey hev di hişyariyê de rabûn da ku balafirên ku li nêzî qada hewayî ya Baltîkê kar dikin nas bikin û bi wan re bişopînin.
Emmanuel Macron di axaftina xwe de got: "Em ê gihandina cebilxane û fuzeyan bileztir bikin."
Dîmenên yekem ên pergala berevaniya hewayî ya kin Crotale NG ya fransî ku di xizmeta artêşa Ukraynayê de ye. Em dikarin bibînin ku du fuzeyên ku di hewildanek ji bo xistina moşeka keştiyê ya rûsî de hatine avêtin - ya duyemîn li hedefê dikeve.1 year ago
Dîmenên yekem ên pergala berevaniya hewayî ya kin Crotale NG ya fransî ku di xizmeta artêşa Ukraynayê de ye. Em dikarin bibînin ku du fuzeyên ku di hewildanek ji bo xistina moşeka keştiyê ya rûsî de hatine avêtin - ya duyemîn li hedefê dikeve.
French media: Police arrest dozens during violent protests in Paris against the passage of the retirement law
Nantes: four students file a complaint against the police for "sexual violence"
Nantes: New tear gas fire on the course of the 50 protester. There are about 150 demonstrators left
Other images of fires and barricades in Paris, and according to journalist @RemyBuisine, many demonstrators were 300m from the Elysée. PensionReform
Place de la mairie: firework mortars rain down while the police charge.Rennes1 year ago
Place de la mairie: firework mortars rain down while the police charge.Rennes
Police use tear gas canisters to disperse protesters at Place Concorde in Paris (AA correspondent)
Pension reform: the government passes in force and activates the 49
"I engage the responsibility of my government": Elisabeth Borne officially triggers the 49
Alîkariya leşkerî ji Ukraynayê re: Tankên "sivik" AMX 10-RC yên ku di destpêka Çileyê de ji hêla Fransa ve hatî sozdan "nû gihîştine Ukraynayê", ragihand @SebLecornu berî komîsyona @AN_Defense, bêyî ku hejmara wan diyar bike.
Today, most French cities witnessed demonstrations, and they were not limited to Paris
France is discussing whether the time has come to impose sanctions on "those who obstruct efforts to break the constitutional impasse" in Lebanon