9 Îlon 2024
The police use tear gas grenades against pro-Palestinian demonstrators present on Place Saint-Augustin in Paris. (via @CLPRESSFR)
"Rastek ku mijara xebatê berdewam dike": Wezareta Parastinê ya Fransa hatina pêşewa mamosteyên leşkerî yên Fransî bo Ukraynayê piştrast nake
Emmanuel Macron: "Em şerê Rûsya û gelê wê nakin. Em Ewropî em aştiyê dixwazin."
Emmanuel Macron dibêje, "Em ê heta ku û bi qasî ku hewce be ji bo parastina Ukraynayê berdewam bikin."
Fermandarê Giştî yê Hêzên Çekdar ên Ukraynayê: Îro bi vîdeoyî bi Wezîrê Parastinê yê Fransayê re hevdîtinek pêk anî. Fransa dê mamosteyan bişîne da ku leşkerên Ukraynayê li navendên perwerdehiya Ukraynayê perwerde bikin3 month ago
Fermandarê Giştî yê Hêzên Çekdar ên Ukraynayê: Îro bi vîdeoyî bi Wezîrê Parastinê yê Fransayê re hevdîtinek pêk anî. Fransa dê mamosteyan bişîne da ku leşkerên Ukraynayê li navendên perwerdehiya Ukraynayê perwerde bikin
France, commenting on civilian casualties in Rafah: Israeli operations must stop
Wall Street Journal: Washington opposes efforts by Britain and France to rebuke Iran in front of atomic energy conservatives
Three injured after a knife attack in Lyon, one man arrested
Traveling in New Caledonia, Emmanuel Macron calls for "not to give in to violence because it does not take place in the Republic"
New Caledonia: Emmanuel Macron calls to "give in nothing to violence and return to dialogue" - 3,000 internal security forces mobilized
New Caledonia: Emmanuel Macron wants to "finalize the work to allow supplies everywhere and access to health"
New Caledonia: "We are going to take back each district, each roundabout, each dam step by step," declares Emmanuel Macron
3 month ago
As the #WeimarTriangle, we are joining forces in the fight against disinformation. The EU is under crossfire from inside and outside. Espionage & disinformation campaigns are targeting the heart of European democracy, ahead of the European elections. - @ABaerbock in Weimar
3 month ago
Together we are adopting the Weimar Agenda for a more geopolitical Europe. We want to turn the EU into a security union, reach decisions faster & create a green Weimar Triangle. - @ABaerbock
Operation Durandal: a Rafale of the Strategic Air Forces has just successfully carried out the first flight test firing of a renovated ASMPA supersonic nuclear missile, without on-board payload. This operation, planned for a long time, realizes the ambition provided for in the military programming law for our nuclear deterrence, of which it demonstrates the excellence and operational credibility. Congratulations to all the forces, ministry teams and industrial partners involved in the operation3 month ago
Operation Durandal: a Rafale of the Strategic Air Forces has just successfully carried out the first flight test firing of a renovated ASMPA supersonic nuclear missile, without on-board payload. This operation, planned for a long time, realizes the ambition provided for in the military programming law for our nuclear deterrence, of which it demonstrates the excellence and operational credibility. Congratulations to all the forces, ministry teams and industrial partners involved in the operation
French Foreign Minister: Recognizing a Palestinian state is not a tabu for France
President of France  Emannuel Macron departed Vancouver, en route to New Caledonia. CTM1275 / F-RARF CTM1284 / F-RAFA3 month ago
President of France Emannuel Macron departed Vancouver, en route to New Caledonia. CTM1275 / F-RARF CTM1284 / F-RAFA
France begins its first war crimes trial of Syria government officials
3 month ago
Scholz: France and Germany are deeply concerned about the situation in Georgia. Both our countries have always supported Georgia's European path. It has been charted – but speed and direction of moving forward depend on Georgia
New Caledonia: "We are far from a return to appeasement," says the mayor of Nouméa
Riots in New Caledonia: one dead and two injured in an exchange of fire, the death toll rises to six
New Caledonia: Journalists from @ncla1ere attacked during a report, their car and equipment destroyed
3 month ago
Rouen: A man with a knife wanting to set fire to the synagogue shot dead by the police this Friday morning
French President Emmanuel Macron has declared a state of emergency in New Caledonia following a series of violent riots triggered by the French government's approval of changes to voting rules in the French-ruled Pacific island. This decision aims to address the unrest that has led to several deaths and numerous injuries
Wezîrê Parastinê yê Fransayê: Em ê komek mûşekên nû yên bejah-asîmanî "Aster" bişînin Ûkraynayê
Ryanair announces the closure of its base at Bordeaux airport3 month ago
Ryanair announces the closure of its base at Bordeaux airport
France deploys its new advanced Jaguar armored vehicles in Estonia during the Springstorm exercise. Sign of the forces' commitment to protect and defend NATO's eastern flank3 month ago
France deploys its new advanced "Jaguar" armored vehicles in Estonia during the Springstorm exercise. Sign of the forces' commitment to protect and defend NATO's eastern flank
A night marked by violence and abuses in New Caledonia
The parking lot of the Mazda Vallée du Tir dealership in Nouméa
Molotov cocktail thrown at a car, roundabout set on fire, supermarket looted. tensions now affect the southern districts of Nouméa. L'Eau vive seems to be in the hands of the demonstrators