19 Septembrie 2024
France's European Commissioner Thierry Breton has resigned and accused his boss Ursula von der Leyen of undermining him
Joint press conference of the Foreign Ministers of Armenia and France Ararat Mirzoyan and Stéphane Sejourné.3 zi înapoi
Joint press conference of the Foreign Ministers of Armenia and France Ararat Mirzoyan and Stéphane Sejourné.
Martinique: Vehicles and waste set on fire during the night in Sainte-Thérèse in Fort-de-Francenn6 zi înapoi
Martinique: Vehicles and waste set on fire during the night in Sainte-Thérèse in Fort-de-Francenn
Protest in Paris against Emmanuel Macron at the Bastille1 o săptămână înapoi
Protest in Paris against Emmanuel Macron at the Bastille
Bad weather hit the Pyrenees on the night of Friday 6 to Saturday 7 September. In the Hautes-Pyrénées, in Lourdes, the sanctuary's grotto is even under water.1 o săptămână înapoi
Bad weather hit the Pyrenees on the night of Friday 6 to Saturday 7 September. In the Hautes-Pyrénées, in Lourdes, the sanctuary's grotto is even under water.
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Durov a refuzat asistența diplomatică oferită de Rusia și Emiratele Arabe Unite, a raportat Politico.
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Președintele Franței Macron și președintele Ucrainei Zelenskyi au susținut un apel telefonic
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Macron names ex-Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier as French PM: presidency
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French media: The death toll of migrants who died after their boat capsized in the English Channel has risen to 10
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French President: I was not aware that Telegram CEO was arriving in Paris
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Serbian President: 12 French Rafale fighters will arrive in our country soon
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UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs: We are communicating with the French authorities regarding the case of the Emirati citizen "Pavel Durov"
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Macron visits Serbia, Rafale sale and "linking to the EU" on the menu
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Macron's message to the citizens of Serbia: the EU needs a strong and democratic Serbia under its wing
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Pavel Durov a fost pus sub acuzare după ce a fost audiat de instanțe și eliberat sub supraveghere judiciară. Ii este „interzis să părăsească teritoriul francez"
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French authorities issued arrest warrants for Telegram CEO Pavel Durov and his co-founder brother Nikolai in March, according to a French administrative document seen exclusively by POLITICO
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Hackerii ruși „EvilWeb" au revendicat un atac cibernetic împotriva site-ului web al agenției franceze de securitate cibernetică
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UAE Says that It Is Closely Monitoring the Case of UAE Citizen Pavel Durov, Founder of Telegram - State News Agency
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Air France plans to resume flights to Tel Aviv and Beirut on Tuesday
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Mass-media franceză: proprietarul Telegramului investigat de unitățile de securitate cibernetică și antifraudă
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Rusia cere accesul lui Pavel Durov, dar Parisul a refuzat deoarece are cetățenie franceză, - Ministerul rus de Externe
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Moscova va monitoriza reacția organizațiilor internaționale în legătură cu reținerea cofondatorului Telegram, Pavel Durov, în Franța și va ține cont de acțiunile acestora, - Ministerul rus de Externe
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Air France cancels flights to Tel Aviv and Beirut until at least Monday
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Pavel Durov a fost reținut pe aeroportul Le Bourget
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At least two cars, one of which contained a gas bottle, were set on fire this Saturday morning in front of the synagogue in La Grande-Motte, causing an explosion which injured a police officer according to the gendarmerie and the mayor of the locality AFP
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Attack on Angoulême town hall. A man was neutralized by bullets by the police after having spread gasoline in the building and started a fire. Bomb disposal experts are expected on site. According to the daily Charente Libre, inscriptions in Arabic
1 lună înapoi
British and French Foreign Ministers: Any Iranian attack will have devastating consequences
1 lună înapoi
French Foreign Minister: We hope that the upcoming Cairo round will end with an agreement on Gaza
1 lună înapoi
French Foreign Minister: The time is not right for either an Iranian response or Israeli revenge
1 lună înapoi
French Foreign Minister: Paris condemns Israeli settlers' attack on West Bank village