A university student was stabbed in the university city of Paris and the police detained the suspect
Burkina Faso confirms having requested the withdrawal of French troops
French Foreign Minister: It is time as Europeans to respond to Iran's hostage policy
1 an înapoi Macron and Scholz departing the Élysée palace together in one car. Last item on today's agenda is a privat dinner in Macron's favorite brasserie
Cancelarul german Olaf Scholz și președintele francez Emmanuel Macron au reafirmat duminică importanța alianței postbelice a națiunilor lor, în ciuda tensiunilor create de invazia Ucrainei de către Rusia.
Președintele @EmmanuelMacron spune - stând lângă @Bundeskanzler - că nu exclude ideea ca Franța să furnizeze tancuri Leclerc Ucrainei
Declarația miniștrilor apărării francezi și germani: „Să se dezvolte capacitatea ambelor armate de a se disloca împreună, să proiecteze două batalioane franco-germane din Brigada franco-germană pentru exerciții în România.
France & Germany "support the deployment of the high-speed train route between Paris and Berlin, as well as a night train service, both for 2024," announced after a meeting in Paris between Emmanuel Macron and Olaf Scholz
1 an înapoi „Trebuie să ne temem că acest război va dura foarte mult timp", spune Scholz la Paris. Dar încă nu există un text clar cu privire la livrările Leopard - orice decizie este doar strâns coordonată cu parteneri precum SUA. Macron ceva mai clar asupra tancurilor franceze: „Nimic nu este exclus
1 an înapoi In Toulouse, the procession of the demonstration against the pension reform is already almost assembled and ready to leave
Președintele Zelensky: A avut o conversație lungă și detaliată cu președintele Franței @EmmanuelMacron despre situația actuală. Mulțumesc pentru decizia de a transfera tancuri ușoare și APC-uri Bastion în Ucraina, precum și pentru intensificarea lucrului cu partenerii în aceeași direcție
The defense ministers of Poland and France approved a contract for the supply of two observation satellites with a receiving station in Poland
1 an înapoi Chaos in the center of Paris, vehicles overturned and set on fire. Ongoing clashes
1 an înapoi Tens of thousands march in Paris now in support of Kurds
1 an înapoi A white supremacist killed at least 3 people in a Kurdish cafe in Paris. Kurdish community is protesting, chanting anti-Turkey and anti-Erdogan slogans and asking for better protection from French authorities
1 an înapoi Clashes broke out in central Paris after a gunman killed at least three people and wounded others at a Kurdish community center, a cafe and a hair salon in what officials said was a racist attack
1 an înapoi A gunman carried out an attack on 'Ahmet Kaya' Kurdish Culture Centre in Paris, killing at least three people. He was captured and disarmed by people in a nearby barber shop later. The attacker used a pistol —perhaps 9x19mm Star Model B or a similar pistol
Two dead after shooting in central Paris
1 an înapoi A 60-year-old man opened fire on the street before being arrested, injuring seven people and killing two in the Porte-Saint-Denis neighborhood of Paris's 10th arrondissement
1 an înapoi Shots fired in Paris: the new report shows 2 dead and 4 injured in absolute emergency
1 an înapoi Lyon: Ongoing violence in Place Bellecour after France lost in the FIFAWorldCup final. Police use tear gas canisters
French Interior Minister: The causes of the fire that broke out in a building near the city of Lyon are unknown, and we will open an investigation into the incident
1 an înapoi At least 10 people killed and 14 injured, including four in critical condition, after fire at apartment building in Vaulx-en-Velin, France, overnight
France for tomorrow's match France - Morocco mobilizes 10,000 police and gendarmes, 5,000 of them in the Paris region
Război în Ucraina: Emmanuel Macron a vorbit cu Volodymyr Zelensky
1 an înapoi Supporters in the streets of Calais-Nord to celebrate Les Bleus soccer
1 dead, several missing after explosion, fire on Jersey
Macron: A vorbi despre dezacordurile cu privire la garanțiile de securitate ale Rusiei este prematur și fără temei
Two students from the Saint-Maixent-l'École military school killed in a road accident. A third student was seriously injured and evacuated to hospital with a vital prognosis
Președintele Franței: Războiul revine pe țările europene din cauza agresiunii ruse asupra Ucrainei