5 Október 2024
4 Mesiac Pred
Kráľ Karol III. hovorí v deň D „národy musia stáť spolu, aby sa postavili tyranii"
4 Mesiac Pred
Francúzsko žiada o zasadnutie Bezpečnostnej rady OSN o Ukrajine 7. júna
26-ročného Ukrajinca z rusky hovoriaceho Donbasu zatkli po tom, čo si vážne zranil tvár pri výrobe podomácky vyrobenej bomby v hoteli v Roissy-en-France. Vyšetrovanie bolo zverené DGSI.
Joint French, German, British statement: We welcome the International Atomic Energy Agency's decision regarding Iran
French security authorities foil a plan to attack soccer events during the Paris Olympics
France has banned Israeli defense companies from participating in Eurosatory, one of the world's largest arms shows, over Israel's ongoing war in Gaza.— Politico
Macron calls for an end to the systematic postponement of the two-state solution and the establishment of a Palestinian state
Scholz navrhuje, že Ukrajina by mohla použiť aj západné (nemecké) zbrane na útoky na ciele v Rusku, ak zaútočia na Ukrajinu. Platí pravidlo, že „toto musí byť vždy v rámci medzinárodného práva. Macron je ešte jasnejšie: Musí im to byť umožnené.4 Mesiac Pred
Scholz navrhuje, že Ukrajina by mohla použiť aj západné (nemecké) zbrane na útoky na ciele v Rusku, ak zaútočia na Ukrajinu. Platí pravidlo, že „toto musí byť vždy v rámci medzinárodného práva". Macron je ešte jasnejšie: "Musí im to byť umožnené."
4 Mesiac Pred
„Uzavrieť mier je riziko": v Nemecku Emmanuel Macron diskutuje o vojne na Ukrajine
The police use tear gas grenades against pro-Palestinian demonstrators present on Place Saint-Augustin in Paris. (via @CLPRESSFR)
„Trať, ktorá je naďalej predmetom práce": Francúzske ministerstvo obrany nepotvrdilo blížiaci sa príchod francúzskych vojenských inštruktorov na Ukrajinu
Emmanuel Macron: "Nevedieme vojnu proti Rusku a jeho ľudu. My, Európania, chceme mier."
„Budeme pokračovať tak dlho a toľko, koľko bude potrebné, aby sme pomohli Ukrajine brániť sa," hovorí Emmanuel Macron
Hlavný veliteľ ozbrojených síl Ukrajiny: dnes uskutočnil videohovor s ministrom obrany Francúzska. Francúzsko pošle inštruktorov na výcvik ukrajinských vojakov v ukrajinských výcvikových strediskách4 Mesiac Pred
Hlavný veliteľ ozbrojených síl Ukrajiny: dnes uskutočnil videohovor s ministrom obrany Francúzska. Francúzsko pošle inštruktorov na výcvik ukrajinských vojakov v ukrajinských výcvikových strediskách
France, commenting on civilian casualties in Rafah: Israeli operations must stop
Wall Street Journal: Washington opposes efforts by Britain and France to rebuke Iran in front of atomic energy conservatives
Three injured after a knife attack in Lyon, one man arrested
Traveling in New Caledonia, Emmanuel Macron calls for "not to give in to violence because it does not take place in the Republic"
New Caledonia: Emmanuel Macron calls to "give in nothing to violence and return to dialogue" - 3,000 internal security forces mobilized
New Caledonia: Emmanuel Macron wants to "finalize the work to allow supplies everywhere and access to health"
New Caledonia: "We are going to take back each district, each roundabout, each dam step by step," declares Emmanuel Macron
4 Mesiac Pred
As the #WeimarTriangle, we are joining forces in the fight against disinformation. The EU is under crossfire from inside and outside. Espionage & disinformation campaigns are targeting the heart of European democracy, ahead of the European elections. - @ABaerbock in Weimar
4 Mesiac Pred
Together we are adopting the Weimar Agenda for a more geopolitical Europe. We want to turn the EU into a security union, reach decisions faster & create a green Weimar Triangle. - @ABaerbock
Operation Durandal: a Rafale of the Strategic Air Forces has just successfully carried out the first flight test firing of a renovated ASMPA supersonic nuclear missile, without on-board payload. This operation, planned for a long time, realizes the ambition provided for in the military programming law for our nuclear deterrence, of which it demonstrates the excellence and operational credibility. Congratulations to all the forces, ministry teams and industrial partners involved in the operation4 Mesiac Pred
Operation Durandal: a Rafale of the Strategic Air Forces has just successfully carried out the first flight test firing of a renovated ASMPA supersonic nuclear missile, without on-board payload. This operation, planned for a long time, realizes the ambition provided for in the military programming law for our nuclear deterrence, of which it demonstrates the excellence and operational credibility. Congratulations to all the forces, ministry teams and industrial partners involved in the operation
French Foreign Minister: Recognizing a Palestinian state is not a tabu for France
President of France  Emannuel Macron departed Vancouver, en route to New Caledonia. CTM1275 / F-RARF CTM1284 / F-RAFA4 Mesiac Pred
President of France Emannuel Macron departed Vancouver, en route to New Caledonia. CTM1275 / F-RARF CTM1284 / F-RAFA
France begins its first war crimes trial of Syria government officials
4 Mesiac Pred
Scholz: France and Germany are deeply concerned about the situation in Georgia. Both our countries have always supported Georgia's European path. It has been charted – but speed and direction of moving forward depend on Georgia
New Caledonia: "We are far from a return to appeasement," says the mayor of Nouméa
Riots in New Caledonia: one dead and two injured in an exchange of fire, the death toll rises to six