5 Október 2024
Demonstrations against the high cost of living: CRS 8 deployed in Martinique to fight against urban violence Since the start of the mobilization, the West Indian department has experienced nights of urban riots in certain neighborhoods2 Týždeň Pred
Demonstrations against the high cost of living: CRS 8 deployed in Martinique to fight against urban violence Since the start of the mobilization, the West Indian department has experienced nights of urban riots in certain neighborhoods
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Macron: France stands by Lebanon and we are saddened by the civilian casualties
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Macron: „Diplomatická stopa" existuje v Libanone
US and French Foreign Ministers Call for Calm in the Middle East
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French President Macron in a telephone conversation with the Lebanese Prime Minister calls for "restraint" and claims that "escalation does not bring any solution"
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Air France has suspended its flights on the Ben Gurion-Paris route for the next 48 hours
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France's European Commissioner Thierry Breton has resigned and accused his boss Ursula von der Leyen of undermining him
Joint press conference of the Foreign Ministers of Armenia and France Ararat Mirzoyan and Stéphane Sejourné.2 Týždeň Pred
Joint press conference of the Foreign Ministers of Armenia and France Ararat Mirzoyan and Stéphane Sejourné.
Martinique: Vehicles and waste set on fire during the night in Sainte-Thérèse in Fort-de-Francenn3 Týždeň Pred
Martinique: Vehicles and waste set on fire during the night in Sainte-Thérèse in Fort-de-Francenn
Protest in Paris against Emmanuel Macron at the Bastille4 Týždeň Pred
Protest in Paris against Emmanuel Macron at the Bastille
Bad weather hit the Pyrenees on the night of Friday 6 to Saturday 7 September. In the Hautes-Pyrénées, in Lourdes, the sanctuary's grotto is even under water.4 Týždeň Pred
Bad weather hit the Pyrenees on the night of Friday 6 to Saturday 7 September. In the Hautes-Pyrénées, in Lourdes, the sanctuary's grotto is even under water.
Durov odmietol diplomatickú pomoc, ktorú mu ponúkli Rusko a Spojené arabské emiráty, informoval Politico.
1 Mesiac Pred
Francúzsky prezident Macron a prezident Ukrajiny Zelenskyj spolu telefonovali
Macron names ex-Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier as French PM: presidency
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French media: The death toll of migrants who died after their boat capsized in the English Channel has risen to 10
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French President: I was not aware that Telegram CEO was arriving in Paris
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Serbian President: 12 French Rafale fighters will arrive in our country soon
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UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs: We are communicating with the French authorities regarding the case of the Emirati citizen "Pavel Durov"
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Macron visits Serbia, Rafale sale and "linking to the EU" on the menu
Macron's message to the citizens of Serbia: the EU needs a strong and democratic Serbia under its wing
Pavel Durov bol po vypočutí súdmi obvinený a pod súdnym dohľadom prepustený. Má „zakázané opustiť francúzske územie"
1 Mesiac Pred
French authorities issued arrest warrants for Telegram CEO Pavel Durov and his co-founder brother Nikolai in March, according to a French administrative document seen exclusively by POLITICO
Ruskí hackeri "EvilWeb" vyhlásili kyberútok na webovú stránku francúzskej agentúry pre kybernetickú bezpečnosť
UAE Says that It Is Closely Monitoring the Case of UAE Citizen Pavel Durov, Founder of Telegram - State News Agency
Air France plans to resume flights to Tel Aviv and Beirut on Tuesday
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Francúzske médiá: Vlastníka telegramu vyšetrujú jednotky pre kybernetickú bezpečnosť a boj proti podvodom
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Rusko požaduje prístup k Pavlovi Durovovi, ale Paríž odmietol, pretože má francúzske občianstvo, - ruské ministerstvo zahraničia
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Moskva bude sledovať reakciu medzinárodných organizácií v súvislosti so zadržaním spoluzakladateľa Telegramu Pavla Durova vo Francúzsku a zohľadní ich kroky, - ruské ministerstvo zahraničia
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Air France cancels flights to Tel Aviv and Beirut until at least Monday
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Pavla Durova zadržali na letisku Le Bourget