6 Jūlijs 2024
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Valsts mediji: Sji apsveic Francijas attiecības, jo pasaulē notiek "dziļīgas" pārmaiņas
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Francūzis Emanuels Makrons Pekinā tiekas ar Sji Dzjiņpinu
Ongoing blocking of the Lycée Thiers in Marseille as part of the April 6 strike and sale of pancakes and cakes in support of the strike fund
Fires lit on the m7 this morning by demonstrators against pension reform, major traffic jams in Lyon
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Macron to the French community in Beijing: We seek balanced economic relations with China
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Makrons: Dialogs ar Ķīnu ir nepieciešams, un Krieviju nevar atstāt vienu, lai sarunātos ar Pekinu
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Israeli FM @elicoh1: Spoke with French FM to coordinate measures to contain Iran’s nuclear program. Israel and France see eye to eye on danger of nuclear Iran. Only determined & coordinated action by West will lead to sanction that tighten the ring around neck of rule of terror in Tehran.
Prezidentam Zelenskim bija telefonsaruna ar prezidentu Makronu1 gads atpakaļ
Prezidentam Zelenskim bija telefonsaruna ar prezidentu Makronu
Police charge forward, surrounding the area around two fires1 gads atpakaļ
Police charge forward, surrounding the area around two fires
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Paris: strong tensions in the procession
Clashes between French police and protesters in Nantes
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Demonstration of March 28 in Paris: 18 arrests on the sidelines of the demonstration
Fire at Queneau high school in Villeneuve-d'Ascq: a 15-year-old high school student arrested and placed in police custody1 gads atpakaļ
Fire at Queneau high school in Villeneuve-d'Ascq: a 15-year-old high school student arrested and placed in police custody
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Francija uz Ukrainu piegādās 2000 155 mm čaulu mēnesī
Dockers and port workers at the head of the 28Mars Demonstration in Le Havre The procession heads towards the fishing port1 gads atpakaļ
Dockers and port workers at the head of the 28Mars Demonstration in Le Havre The procession heads towards the fishing port
Police pushed against the strike supporters before retreating this morning here in Ivry ReformeDesRetraites1 gads atpakaļ
Police pushed against the strike supporters before retreating this morning here in Ivry #ReformeDesRetraites
2 franču Rafales, kas dislocēti Lietuvā eAP @NATO gaisa policijas misijas ietvaros, divas dienas pēc kārtas pacēlās gatavībā, lai identificētu un pavadītu gaisa kuģus, kas darbojas netālu no Baltijas gaisa telpas.1 gads atpakaļ
2 franču Rafales, kas dislocēti Lietuvā eAP @NATO gaisa policijas misijas ietvaros, divas dienas pēc kārtas pacēlās gatavībā, lai identificētu un pavadītu gaisa kuģus, kas darbojas netālu no Baltijas gaisa telpas.
Mēs paātrināsim munīcijas un raķešu piegādes, saka Emanuels Makrons1 gads atpakaļ
"Mēs paātrināsim munīcijas un raķešu piegādes," saka Emanuels Makrons
Pirmie kadri ar franču Crotale NG tuva darbības rādiusa pretgaisa aizsardzības sistēmu, kas kalpo Ukrainas armijā. Mēs redzam divas raķetes, kas izšautas, mēģinot notriekt Krievijas spārnotās raķetes - otrā trāpa mērķī1 gads atpakaļ
Pirmie kadri ar franču Crotale NG tuva darbības rādiusa pretgaisa aizsardzības sistēmu, kas kalpo Ukrainas armijā. Mēs redzam divas raķetes, kas izšautas, mēģinot notriekt Krievijas spārnotās raķetes - otrā trāpa mērķī
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French media: Police arrest dozens during violent protests in Paris against the passage of the retirement law
Nantes: four students file a complaint against the police for "sexual violence"
Nantes: New tear gas fire on the course of the 50 protester. There are about 150 demonstrators left
Other images of fires and barricades in Paris, and according to journalist @RemyBuisine, many demonstrators were 300m from the Elysée. PensionReform1 gads atpakaļ
Other images of fires and barricades in Paris, and according to journalist @RemyBuisine, many demonstrators were 300m from the Elysée. PensionReform
Place de la mairie: firework mortars rain down while the police charge.Rennes1 gads atpakaļ
Place de la mairie: firework mortars rain down while the police charge.Rennes
Police use tear gas canisters to disperse protesters at Place Concorde in Paris (AA correspondent)1 gads atpakaļ
Police use tear gas canisters to disperse protesters at Place Concorde in Paris (AA correspondent)
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Pension reform: the government passes in force and activates the 49
I engage the responsibility of my government: Elisabeth Borne officially triggers the 491 gads atpakaļ
"I engage the responsibility of my government": Elisabeth Borne officially triggers the 49
Militārā palīdzība Ukrainai: Francijas janvāra sākumā solītie vieglie tanki AMX 10-RC nupat ir ieradušies Ukrainā, paziņo @SebLecornu @AN_Defense komisijas priekšā, nenorādot to skaitu.1 gads atpakaļ
Militārā palīdzība Ukrainai: Francijas janvāra sākumā solītie "vieglie" tanki AMX 10-RC "nupat ir ieradušies Ukrainā", paziņo @SebLecornu @AN_Defense komisijas priekšā, nenorādot to skaitu.
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Today, most French cities witnessed demonstrations, and they were not limited to Paris
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France is discussing whether the time has come to impose sanctions on "those who obstruct efforts to break the constitutional impasse" in Lebanon