6 Jūlijs 2024
The procession goes up the rue de la République in Rouen1 gads atpakaļ
The procession goes up the rue de la République in Rouen
This morning in Marseille, 80 people demonstrated against the Legré-Mante project, between the old Chapel and Place Engalière (8th)
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A man taken into police custody in Béthune for aggravated murder, suspected of having killed with a knife his ex-companion who had recently filed a complaint for death threats
We want to work together and build concrete solutions for our future. I want to salute the new direction that has been taken: @EmmanuelMacron to @RishiSunak1 gads atpakaļ
"We want to work together and build concrete solutions for our future. I want to salute the new direction that has been taken": @EmmanuelMacron to @RishiSunak
I am very happy Mr. Prime Minister to meet you at the Elysée. 5 years have passed since the last meeting. This summit is exceptional, it is a moment of reunion, reconnection, and new departure: @EmmanuelMacron to @RishiSunak1 gads atpakaļ
"I am very happy Mr. Prime Minister to meet you at the Elysée. 5 years have passed since the last meeting. This summit is exceptional, it is a moment of reunion, reconnection, and new departure": @EmmanuelMacron to @RishiSunak
In Marseille, a blockage is underway at the Prado-Carénage tunnel. It still does not pass
French Senate voted in favor of Article 7 raising the retirement age from 62 to 641 gads atpakaļ
French Senate voted in favor of Article 7 raising the retirement age from 62 to 64
The charges of the CRS multiply to try to disperse the wild procession in the 13th arrondissement1 gads atpakaļ
The charges of the CRS multiply to try to disperse the wild procession in the 13th arrondissement
The outside cgt/south procession arrives at Place d'Italie and joins the other. A demonstration that had to take 2 or even 3 different boulevards. And they were all crowded1 gads atpakaļ
The outside cgt/south procession arrives at Place d'Italie and joins the other. A demonstration that had to take 2 or even 3 different boulevards. And they were all crowded
Strike of March 7: more than 100,000 demonstrators in Lille according to the CGT1 gads atpakaļ
Strike of March 7: more than 100,000 demonstrators in Lille according to the CGT
Big movement on the avenue des Gobelins. The forces of order charge, out of control, and find themselves surrounded1 gads atpakaļ
Big movement on the avenue des Gobelins. The forces of order charge, out of control, and find themselves surrounded
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Francijas aizsardzības ministrs: Mūsu prioritāte ir raķešu nosūtīšana uz Ukrainu, taču runas par iznīcinātāju nosūtīšanu jau ir sākušās
ANO Ģenerālā asambleja ANO Ģenerālā asambleja ar ļoti lielu balsu vairākumu pieņēma rezolūciju par taisnīgu un ilgstošu mieru Ukrainā, pamatojoties uz Apvienoto Nāciju Organizācijas principiem.1 gads atpakaļ
ANO Ģenerālā asambleja ANO Ģenerālā asambleja ar ļoti lielu balsu vairākumu pieņēma rezolūciju par taisnīgu un ilgstošu mieru Ukrainā, pamatojoties uz Apvienoto Nāciju Organizācijas principiem.
Smoke at La Défense district in Paris1 gads atpakaļ
Smoke at La Défense district in Paris
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Martinique violence: A man killed by firearm, another in cardiac arrest and two wounded by bullets in 24 hours
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Francijas aizsardzības ministrs: Mēs piegādāsim vieglās kaujas mašīnas AMX-10 Ukrainai līdz nākamās nedēļas beigām
Francijas Ārlietu ministrija mudina savus pilsoņus pamest Baltkrieviju. ĀM tīmekļa vietnē teikts, ka Krievijas bruņotās ofensīvas pret Ukrainu un Baltkrievijas gaisa telpas slēgšanas laikā jebkāda ceļošana uz Baltkrieviju formāli nav ieteicama.1 gads atpakaļ
Francijas Ārlietu ministrija mudina savus pilsoņus pamest Baltkrieviju. ĀM tīmekļa vietnē teikts, ka Krievijas bruņotās ofensīvas pret Ukrainu un Baltkrievijas gaisa telpas slēgšanas laikā jebkāda ceļošana uz Baltkrieviju formāli nav ieteicama.
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Opposition groups rally in France demanding EU list Iran's Guards as terrorist group
Makrons apliecina Zelenskim par Francijas vēlmi pavadīt Ukrainu uz uzvaru1 gads atpakaļ
Makrons apliecina Zelenskim par Francijas vēlmi "pavadīt Ukrainu uz uzvaru"
Ukrainas prezidents Volodimirs Zelenskis atrodas Francijā. Elizejā viņš tiksies ar @EmmanuelMacron un Vācijas kancleri @OlafScholz.
During this time, the head of the procession enters the Boulevard du Temple with the bulk of the demonstrators, calmly1 gads atpakaļ
During this time, the head of the procession enters the Boulevard du Temple with the bulk of the demonstrators, calmly
In Paris, the trade unions are distributed at regular intervals near the Opera: here the cftc on the Boulevard des Italiens. Departure scheduled for 2 p.m. pension reform February 7th demonstration1 gads atpakaļ
In Paris, the trade unions are distributed at regular intervals near the Opera: here the cftc on the Boulevard des Italiens. Departure scheduled for 2 p.m. pension reform February 7th demonstration
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Agence France-Presse: Belgium plans to extend the service of 3 nuclear reactors
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French Foreign Ministry: It is the Assad government that obstructs a political solution in Syria
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A university student was stabbed in the university city of Paris and the police detained the suspect
Burkina Faso confirms having requested the withdrawal of French troops
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French Foreign Minister: It is time as Europeans to respond to Iran's hostage policy
Macron and Scholz departing the Élysée palace together in one car.  Last item on today's agenda is a privat dinner in Macron's favorite brasserie1 gads atpakaļ
Macron and Scholz departing the Élysée palace together in one car. Last item on today's agenda is a privat dinner in Macron's favorite brasserie
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Vācijas kanclers Olafs Šolcs un Francijas prezidents Emanuels Makrons svētdien atkārtoti apstiprināja savu valstu pēckara alianses nozīmi, neskatoties uz Krievijas iebrukuma Ukrainā radīto spriedzi.
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Prezidents @EmmanuelMacron, stāvot blakus @Bundeskanzler, saka, ka neizslēdz domu par to, ka Francija nodrošinās Ukrainai ar Leclerc tankiem.