6 Jūlijs 2024
Strong explosion in Paris damages buildings; 16 injured1 gads atpakaļ
Strong explosion in Paris damages buildings; 16 injured
Huge explosion rocks Paris1 gads atpakaļ
Huge explosion rocks Paris
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Local city official tweets gas explosion occured in 5th arrondissement. Paris local city official says several buildings ablaze after blast
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French presidential source: We look forward to cooperating with Saudi companies in the field of modern technology and industry
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French presidential source: We will discuss with the Saudi crown prince cooperation between French and Saudi companies
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Police raid Paris 2024 Olympics headquarters: organising committee
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.9 - 3 km N of Saint-Georges-du-Bois, France
Pirmdien Parīzē tiekas Francijas prezidents Makrons, Vācijas kanclere Šolcs un Polijas prezidents Duda, lai pārrunātu drošības garantijas, ko Ukrainai var sniegt ilgtermiņā, lai garantētu tās suverenitāti un teritoriālo integritāti.1 gads atpakaļ
Pirmdien Parīzē tiekas Francijas prezidents Makrons, Vācijas kanclere Šolcs un Polijas prezidents Duda, lai "pārrunātu drošības garantijas, ko Ukrainai var sniegt ilgtermiņā, lai garantētu tās suverenitāti un teritoriālo integritāti".
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Knife attack in Annecy: 7 injured including 6 young children (source close to the file at AFP)
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Eight people were stabbed in a playground in Annecy, France, local authorities said. A suspect has been arrested
Francijas prezidents Makrons saka, ka Putins "satricinājis" NATO, iebrūkot Ukrainā
Aubervilliers: large black smoke following a giant fire1 gads atpakaļ
Aubervilliers: large black smoke following a giant fire
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France condemns Iran's test of a long-range ballistic missile, describing it as a "violation of Security Council resolutions"
France seeks to arrest Lebanon central bank governor Riad Salameh: source, via Bloomberg's terminal. Salameh says in a statement that he will challenge the french arrest warrant1 gads atpakaļ
France seeks to arrest Lebanon central bank governor Riad Salameh: source, via Bloomberg's terminal. Salameh says in a statement that he will challenge the french arrest warrant
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Ukrainas prezidents Zelenskis ieradies Parīzē
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Francija sāk kara noziegumu izmeklēšanu saistībā ar AFP reportiera nāvi: prokurori
Ukrainas prezidents Zelenskis sazinājies ar Francijas prezidentu Makronu1 gads atpakaļ
Ukrainas prezidents Zelenskis sazinājies ar Francijas prezidentu Makronu
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UK says it's "fully aware of plans of international partners to evacuate diplomats from Sudan is integrated with those operations.France has confirmed it is evacuating staff from Sudan in conjunction with European and allied partners who are also evacuating staff
Prezidentam Zelenskim bija telefonsaruna ar prezidentu Makronu1 gads atpakaļ
Prezidentam Zelenskim bija telefonsaruna ar prezidentu Makronu
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The French Ministry of Interior expects about 600,000 people to demonstrate in today's protests
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Violent clashes between French police and protesters in Paris
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Francijas diplomātiskais avots: Makrons mudināja Sji nepiegādāt Krievijai ieročus, Sji sacīja, ka tas nav viņa karš
Pensions: 4,200 police and gendarmes planned to secure the Parisian procession1 gads atpakaļ
Pensions: 4,200 police and gendarmes planned to secure the Parisian procession
Place Sainte Anne is drowned in tear gas launched by the police to disperse the demonstrators. People are checked as they leave the square1 gads atpakaļ
Place Sainte Anne is drowned in tear gas launched by the police to disperse the demonstrators. People are checked as they leave the square
Demonstration against pension reform: the procession sets off in Paris1 gads atpakaļ
Demonstration against pension reform: the procession sets off in Paris
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Valsts mediji: Sji apsveic Francijas attiecības, jo pasaulē notiek "dziļīgas" pārmaiņas
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Francūzis Emanuels Makrons Pekinā tiekas ar Sji Dzjiņpinu
Ongoing blocking of the Lycée Thiers in Marseille as part of the April 6 strike and sale of pancakes and cakes in support of the strike fund
Fires lit on the m7 this morning by demonstrators against pension reform, major traffic jams in Lyon
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Macron to the French community in Beijing: We seek balanced economic relations with China